Such a long 'doa' and I am so touched with the doa.
Alhamdulillah, now I am 21 years old. But sincerely, I felt that nothing had changed by the increasing of the age. However, the most important thing that should be change are the way how I'm thinking, how I'm managing my life, and how I make a relationship, socializing and connecting with the people around me. That is the parts that I should change parallel with the changing of age. Besides, age is just a number. Change. Is the thing that I should do now.
I would like to show my gratitude via this post to all of peoples which had give me a very valuable, lovable, cute, and make my heart vibrating harder with all of the sincere gifts. May God bless all of you. And not to forget the people who had been responsible for helping me organizing the kenduri and the person who came to the kenduri on that day. Thank you very much.
I felt a little a bit sob because not all of my siblings were there. But, I am understand that they had their own reason for not attending the kenduri. Never mind.
On this day, I also get a very special surprise when my sister deliver her new baby girl's birth on the same day with my birthday. The girl born on 11.30 pm with the weight 3.2kg. I wonder if she put her daughter name with 'Hidayah' too.. I hope it won't happen. At the same time, I also felt guilty because I had cursed her baby to be born on 9th June. Oh God, please forgive me.. And thank you Allah for granted my do'a.
For mom and dad, thank you for giving me a great chance to see this bright world. Without both of you and permission by Allah, I'll never been here for 21 years.
At last, I hope this 21st age will be the improvement stage.. In every way that I take and in very step that I make. Dear God, please show me through the right way. Amin.
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