Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.
25 random things huh..but i want to do it in random and discrete..
1. As usual let me introduce my full name.I am Nurul Hidayah Binti Isnin.
2. People like to call me dayah (in elementary school), deq yah (in secondary school & teacher training inst.), or nurul (among my cousin, aunts, uncles,)..
3. Sometime they would call me Sonic Underground..maybe bcoz of my ability to walk fast.
4. I like kids.
5. I love all of my 14 nieces and nephews.
6. I wish I had a sister once, but its ok la.. being the youngest sometimes give me a lot of benefits..hehehe..
7. I miss all of my primary schoolmate (although i might forget their face).
8. I hope my PTS group-1998 (ckin,ummu,and I) will create our successfullness together by the different way. Never try to forget each other or i'll kick them if they try to..
Hurmm..tired thinking of 25 randoms items about me...I'll continue after sent my mom to shopping...
3 ulasan:
wah...aper ni? xsmpai 10 lagi tuh...huhu...
yg no #8 tu insya-Allah, kita bertiga akan success!!!
dah2, cepat smbg, xsbr nak tau yg laen~
ngeh3..pnat la nk fikir kawanku...
last2 ak g hntr mak ak beli beras je dulu..
ok2...ak sambung skunk...
haih, byknye la 25 ni ek....hehehe
ala, banyak ape nye tuh...pasal diri ko, aku rasa 25 item ni takde mende kot. ko saje je ek xnak type. ish2x. malas tul makcik ni. bersemangat sikit!
hehe...amacam? ok tak support aku ntuk ko tuh?
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