This illustration was created by the illustrator's imagination.
It is not related to anybody who still alive or dead.
The illustrator just want to say..
-Never ever give up with your life.
-Find your own happiness.
-Darkness will not remains forever.
-Be thank to GOD.
-Accept the Qada' and Qadar with your big heart. =)
*For more moral value and motivation words, you can add up and find it by yourself.
Till we meet again.. au revoir!!
P/s : dois-je bonne compétence de dessiner? hehe..
2 ulasan:
pertama kli nya ingin sy tegaskan sy puas ht dgn komen anda
sbenarnya nak komen ni-> suka la tgk ilustrasi2 kak dek yah ;))
nmpknya anda btul2 b'puas hati.
Tima kasih ats k0men anda mira!
Akak lukis cincai je tu..hehe
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