Hj Isnin Bin Baderun dan Hajah Manisah Binti Wadiyo received Anugerah Tokoh Ibu Bapa Mithali 1430 Hijrah/2009 M of Mersing district at Masjid Jamek Felda Nitar 2. Reward was given by Mersing District Officer on 28th December 2008.
Received souviner, certificate, and trophy as Tokoh Ibu Bapa Mithali for Mersing district. Present was given by Dato' Haji Zainal Abidin, Chairman of Jawatankuasa Agama Negeri Johor at Maal Hijrah 1430H celebration of Johor state at Kompleks Islam Johor Bahru on 29th December 2008.
Maal Hijrah 1430H celebration of Johor state was very happening with the great performance of Kote'an and Kompang by Arabartion group from Masjid Jamek Al-Hidayah, Parit Haji Ali, Batu Pahat. (hehhe...they are all my villagers..i'm felt so proud for them)