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Jumaat, 3 April 2009

Block E - Snake Attack!!

3rd April 2009, Friday, Block E ground floor...

It was a shcok tragedy!!!
A black snake was attack the girl hostel at about 7.30 am..

What the victim said:

Victim 1:
"I was so shock and don't know what to do.. When I opened the door, the snake looked at me as to greet me 'good morning'.
Nothing I can do except screamed for help.

Victim 2:
"When I heard my roomate was screaming, I came to her and help to catch the snake. But the snake was too fast and gone like a biscuit."

The story not just end like that, some sources said that the snake came back on the afternoon.
Victim 2 with the cleaner worker together chased the snake.And they failed because the snake was hiding at the store next to the victim's room.

Therefore, to all of Block E members, I remind all of you to BEWARE!!!!
The snake could be in anywhere...
Do not forget to secure the space at bottom of the door and...
don't forget to wash youf feet before you sleep!!

Source from..with name..

3 ulasan:

lidahaku berkata...

mgkin bawah katil

Sakti Arjuna berkata...

Ada ulau di luau pagau..ular tidak bahaya..yang bahaya adalah manusia yang membelit mengalahkan ular..berhati-hatilah

Nurul Hidayah Isnin berkata...

lidah,sy duk kt aras 2. probability ular nk dtg tu 0.1 % je..

mmg...mmg betul sakti arjuna..
ada byk jenis manusia..
ada yg kaki belit,
ada yg kaki lipat,
smoga kte dijauhkn dari sifat 2..dan
dijauhkan dr mnjd mngsa2 manusia sprt itu

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